Support us

Your generosity is vital in helping Springhead Constellation achieve its mission of blending artistic excellence with sustainability, education, and community engagement. By donating, you empower us to create transformative experiences that resonate across generations and geographies.

Use our secure online platform to donate directly to your chosen cause:

Online donation for The Constellation Choir and Orchestra

Your contribution helps sustain our flagship ensembles, enabling them to:

  • Bring extraordinary choral and orchestral performances to audiences worldwide.
  • Innovate through interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Uphold the highest standards of artistic excellence.
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Online donation for Springhead Projects

Your donation to Springhead Constellation supports our visionary programs that bridge the arts, sustainability, and education. Current projects include:

  • The Apprenticeship Programme: A transformative residency nurturing young vocalists through mentorship, nature, and artistic development.
  • The Springhead Symposium: A vibrant space for dialogue between the arts, education, and environmental stewardship.
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Donate by bank transfer

Please use the following details for your donation:

Account Name: Springhead Constellation
Account number: 717 685 560
IBAN: GB61 HOAB 1599 0071 7685 60

  • If you’re supporting the Constellation Choir and Orchestra (CCO), please include “CCO Donation” in the description of your transfer.
  • If you’re supporting a Springhead Project, include “Apprenticeship Programme” or “Symposium” in the description.