Springhead Constellation is proud to launch its inaugural apprentice scheme for young instrumentalists in April 2026. This will take the form of a five day residential workshop for ten to twelve exceptionally talented young instrumentalists who are on the point of completing their training at conservatories or universities prior to entering the music profession. They will be invited to take part in an intensive programme of individual and group coaching and ensemble playing under the guidance of Sir John Eliot Gardiner, assisted by a small team of experienced professionals who will act as their mentors.
Participants will be encouraged to delve into a wide range of performing styles beginning with folk-music and branching out into concertato works as well as exercises in improvisation. Beyond technical and artistic development, the programme will emphasise the need for close collaboration and connection both within the ensemble, but also with the spirit of place (or genius loci) of Springhead itself, with its magical lakeside garden and the surrounding chalk hills of North Dorset.
The residency will provide opportunities for personal reflection and growth, as well as time for group discussions and mentoring sessions. This will be slanted towards fostering a broader understanding of their potential role as cultural ambassadors as well as preparing them to meet the varied challenges of the music profession, helping the apprentices to feel well prepared and equipped before taking the plunge.
Springhead has a long-standing tradition of connecting its educational and creative activities with the local community. Since this is in perfect alignment with Springhead Constellation’s mission, there will be opportunities for local music teachers who can apply to attend some of the rehearsals and to observe the progress made by the apprentices as they develop as an instrumental ensemble during their residency.
The workshop will conclude with an informal concert given in Springhead’s atmospheric Millroom introduced by John Eliot Gardiner. The performance will not only showcase the apprentices’ artistic growth over the five days’ workshop, but provide an opportunity for members of the public and friends of the Springhead Trust to experience the results of this innovative apprentice scheme.
A five day residential workshop for exceptionally talented young singers who completing their training at conservatories or universities prior to entering the music profession.
Orkest van de Achttiende Eeuw
Herengracht 62
1015 BP Amsterdam